Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Announcement: The Dictionomicon is Evolving!

                An announcement in four parts.

Update One! :  Devolving, Actually.
                Our Post and Prompt schedules are being revised!
                Contributors Joelle Saveliev and Noël Coleman are joining forces to bring you a webcomic. We’ll link to their adventures after the launch of Damned Confections.
                To keep out own Dictionomicon-centric adventures running smoothly, our schedule will now be:
Post Days:
1st and 3rd Friday of every month, evening PTC
Prompt Days:
 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, morning PTC
Submissions are welcome until day of post. All are welcome to join!

Update Two! : The Sidelinks, they’re… they’re growing!
                Do not be alarmed. You may notice a few new links on the right in the coming weeks.
No, you aren’t hallucinating. At least, not right now.
You see goats too?
Do you own goats?
Well, that’s a problem.
We can’t help you there, but we can explain the links. Here’s the breakdown:
     The Contributors:
                                Learn more about the minds behind the submissions,
and what other projects they’re working on.
                                Updated Version.
Including a brand new “Why Are You Called the Dictionomicon?” section
                                Simple. Like that you read?
Want to show it with real world affections?
Can’t figure out how? Well, we like hugs.
                                However, the internet isn’t great at transmitting hugs just yet.
                        In place of hugs, we’re going to be releasing real-world, physical copies
of updated Dictionomicon stories. Submissions, with permission,
will act as early first drafts or kick-off points in the stories. Books will be released through Amazon, the first book should appear sometime in the next few months.
                                Finals edits of the stories will be done by Noël Coleman, 
                                with artwork and cover design by Joelle Saveliev.
                    Contact Us:
                                Fan mail? Hate mail?
                                Comments, concerns, ideas?
                                All are welcome.

Update Three! :  Read it to me.
                For our written posts!
                The next few posts will include recorded companions to our submissions.
After a trial period of three posts (and input from readers), we’ll make an official decision on including these recorded versions in the future.
Hate them? Love them? Want to change them? Wondering why the voice of the Dictionomicon isn’t a fire-breathing dragon? We are too. We don’t have all the answers, but we’ll try our best.

Update Four! : there is no update four.
                That’s it, my friends.
                Good luck creating and we’ll see you soon.

Beware the goats,
                The Dictionomicon

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Prompt 42: Ailurophile


  1. a cat fancier
  2. a lover of cats

submit creations at
submissions accepted until Friday, April 18th

*You may notice the submissions date is bit farther off than normal.
The schedule of the Dictionomicon will be shifting soon!
A full update on the changes will appear Friday, April 11th.


What did Blatherskite inspire?

noun; meaning "a person given to
voluble, empty talk;
foolish talk or nonsense.”