Monday, September 15, 2014

Update : Dictionomicon Relocated!

Missed the Dictionomicon? Wondering where we went? The Dictionomicon went on hiatus to test out the waters for a new format.

A Podcast!

Turns out, we like the waters a lot. The relocation will be permanent, with the format previously featured on this blog working alongside the podcast version. As a result, this blog will be officially inactive. 

Dictionomicon in its new format can be found at : [audio]

or [audio & transcripts]

The Dictionomicon is also available in the iTunes store, or on any podcast directory app from your phone or smart device. 

The podcast updates every Monday morning [around or shortly after 9 am EST]. If you have any questions, comments, complaints, you can reach the Dictionomicon through our tumblr page at

Thank you for your patience while we worked through the process of relocating and [as an awful and unintentional result] completely forgot to keep this page updated as frequently as we should have. 

All further updates will be posted at