Saturday, January 11, 2014


What did Quoz inspire?

noun; meaning "something queer or absurb.”

“A Quizzical Quandary! Canonically Quoz!”
That’s what they said the McVitty case was.
Mrs. McVitty was kind to a fault,
And packed all her husbands so snuggly in salt.
For fear of them rising, she preserved all their souls,
So come the apocalypse, they’d be perfectly whole.
No one would have noticed a single thing odd,
Were it not for her third husband, the fine Mr. Todd.
In the middle of baking, at the weekly church function,
His hand did appear with such gall and such gumption.
There in her salt well, it stood proudly to wave,
Whilst all the dear ladies did scramble and rave.
To courtroom, to prison, to asylum they sent,
And from courtroom, and prison, and asylum she went.
Not guilty, not sane, not crazy was she,
There was no explanation for Ms McVitty.
When it all came down, to what was suspect,
They simply called it:
“A Case of Quoz and Effect. “

I was walking along the road late at night,
Wandering past the towns and the light.

When along my path a hill did arise,
Or a hill it would be if hills had eyes.

The not-really-a-hill turned around,
Lifting itself up off the ground.

Its fur was colored a fearsome green,
Face all scrunched up but not quite mean.

It leaned down and I gave it a pinch!
I started to scream but it didn’t flinch…

“Well, that was rude,” a deep voice rumbled.
“I didn’t think you were real,” I grumbled.

The not-a-hill monster stood up straight,
Puffed up his chest and began to state:

“My name is Quoz, I’m the Prince of North Uggle.
I have come to your town, to teach children to juggle.

Don’t be afraid, just sit for awhile,
Soon I will give you reason to smile.”

So I sat down in awe,
Watching close his great claw

Pick three apples off of a tree
Tossing them faster than I could see.

I watched them go round
Never touching the ground.

When Quoz stopped his show, I took off my hat.
Applauded and cheered from right where I sat.

With Quoz at my side, I turned back to town
Telling him of all the frowns we would turn upside down!

He laughed and tossed me an apple with care
Our promise of friendship hung in the air.

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