Saturday, July 20, 2013


What did Hadeharia inspire?

noun; meaning "constant use of the word 'hell'"

Think about how often you say, "Hello." 
Just think about it. 
Now think of apples. 
And pie. 
My, oh my!

Sunday mornings, dressed in our best 
sitting on a bench
despite being half-stuck in slumber.
The true challenge wasn't understanding the message;
it was keeping ourselves awake
while watching the preacher pontificate from the pulpit
(and avoiding his spit that rained down on the pews).

It seemed that no matter what we did,
we were all destined to burn.
The preacher seemed to relish peppering his sentences
with well-placed mentions of Hell,
and all the creative ways Satan would set us ablaze.

It was always chilly in the church.
Hell seemed almost welcome due to the warmth it would provide.
I doubt that's what the preacher intended,
but it's all I ever got out of it:
dreams of an everlasting heat
while shivering in my best dress
kneeling on a cold church floor
in the middle of January.

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